

石虎,男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,省部级人才。普渡大学(美国) 农业与生物工程系博士(2016),中国农业大学学士与硕士(2006-2012),阿肯色大学与爱荷华州立大学博士后研究员(2017-2019)。2020年聘任122cc太阳集成游戏官方网站副教授。迄今发表SCI/EI论文10余篇,2018年获得美国农业与生物工程协会(ASABE)优秀论文奖(Superior Paper Award)



Tel: 18601615366

Email: hshi@shou.edu.cn,  shihu4937@gmail.com




  1. 122cc太阳集成游戏官方网站科技发展专项基金, “大气压冷等离子体对草莓表面常见农药残留的降解研究”,主持,2021-2022

  2. 122cc太阳集成游戏官方网站青年教师科研启动基金,“鱼糜食品3D打印”,主持,2021-2022

  3. 美国约翰迪尔公司(John Deer),  “Cold plasms for fungal decontamination, seed germination and nitrogen fixation in soil”. 博士后研究课题,2018-2019,

  4. 阿肯色大学(University of Arkansas), “Fissure detection in rice by X-ray imaging”,博士后研究课题,2017-2018

  5. 美国谷物协会(US grain council, “ Investigation of Methods for Reducing Aflatoxin Contamination in Distillers Grains”,博士课题,2012-2016


  1. Nguyen, T., Palmer, J., Phan, N., Shi, H., Keener, K., & Flint, S. (2022). Control of aflatoxin M1 in skim milk by high voltage atmospheric cold plasma. Food Chemistry, 386, 132814.

  2. Tong, Tingyu, Pinzheng Wang, Hu Shi, Feng Li, and Yang Jiao. "Radio frequency inactivation of E. coli O157: H7 and Salmonella Typhimurium ATCC 14028 in black pepper (piper nigrum) kernels: Thermal inactivation kinetic study and quality evaluation." Food Control 132 (2022): 108553.

  3. Ott, L. C., Appleton, H. J., Shi, H., Keener, K., & Mellata, M. (2021). High voltage atmospheric cold plasma treatment inactivates Aspergillus flavus spores and deoxynivalenol toxin. Food Microbiology, 95, 103669.

  4. Shi, H., & Siebenmorgen, T. J. (2019). Effect of Rice Cultivar, Type, Form, and Moisture Content on the Angle of Repose. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 35(4), 361-368.

  5. Shi, H., Siebenmorgen, T. J., Luo, H., & Odek, Z. (2019). Fissure Detection and Measurement in Rough Rice Using X-Ray Imaging. Transactions of the ASABE, 62(4), 859-866.

  6. Shi, H., Stroshine, R.L., Ileleji, K., Keener, K. Reduction of aflatoxin in corn by high voltage atmospheric cold plasma. Journal of Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2017, pp.1-11. doi:10.1007/s11947-017-1873-8. (IF 3.03).

  7. Shi, H., Cooper, B., Stroshine, R.L., Ileleji, K., Keener, K. Structure of Degradation Products and Degradation Pathway of AFB1 by High Voltage Atmospheric Cold Plasma (HVACP) Treatment. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2017, 65, 62226230.

  8. Pankaj, S.K., Shi, H., Keener, K.2017. A review of novel physical and chemical decontamination technologies for aflatoxin in food. Trends in food science and technology. 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b01604

  9. Shi, H., Stroshine, R.L., Ileleji, K. Determination of the Relative Effectiveness of Four Food Additives in Degrading Aflatoxin in Distillers Wet Grains and Condensed Distillers Solubles. Journal of Food Protection. 2017 Vol. 80, No. 1, pp. 90-95.

  10. Shi, H., Stroshine, R.L., Ileleji, K. Differences in kernel shape, size and density between healthy and aflatoxin contaminated kernels and their relationship to reduction in aflatoxin levels in a sample of shelled corn.  Applied Engineering in Agriculture.33(3): 421-431